xctrace(1) General Commands Manual xctrace(1)

xctraceRecord, import, export and symbolicate Instruments .trace files.

xctrace [command [options]]

xctrace help [command]

xctrace record [--output path] [--append-run] [--template path | name] [--device name | UDID] [--time-limit time [ms|s|m|h]] [--all-processes | --attach pid | name | --launch command [arguments]] [--target-stdin - | file] [--target-stdout - | file] [--env VAR=value] [--package file] [--no-prompt] [--notify-tracing-started name]

xctrace import [--input file] [--output path] [--template path | name] [--package file]

xctrace export [--input file] [--output path] [--toc | --xpath expression]

xctrace remodel [--input file] [--output path] [--package file]

xctrace symbolicate [--input file] [--output path] [--dsym file]

xctrace list [devices | templates | instruments]

xctrace is used to record new Instruments.app .trace files using the specified recording template. It also allows for converting supported converting files of supported input types into .trace files and exporting data from .trace files to parseable formats like xml.

Available commands and their options:

General help or help specific to command argument
Perform a new recording on the specified device and target with the given template. Resulting .trace file can be viewed in Instruments.app or exported using xctrace. Recording can target all processes, attach to an existing process or launch a new one.
Save the trace to the specified path. A path to an existing trace file can be used if --append-run is specified. In this case the provided template will be ignored and the template in the existing trace will be used. If the passed path is a directory, a uniquely named file will be created in it. If the path contains the extension .trace, a new trace will be created with that name at the specified path or working directory.
Allows to target an existing trace file. Specifying it causes new run to be appended. New run is recorded with the template that this existing trace file was initially recorded with.
path | name
Records using given trace template name or path. If name is specified, template needs to be either bundled with an installed Instruments Package or located in the Application Support directory for Instruments. To retrieve available templates, run xctrace list templates.
Adds Instrument with the specified name to the recording configuration. To retrieve available Instruments, run xctrace list instruments.
name | UDID
Record on a device with the given name or UDID. If not specified, then local device is chosen for the recording. If the word simulator is included, devices of simulator types will be preferred. To get list of available devices, run xctrace list devices.
time [ms|s|m|h]
Limits the recording to the specified time period. Example: "--time-limit 5s" or "--time-limit 1m"
duration [ms|s|m]
Configure trace to operate in windowed mode, where trace buffer acts as a ring buffer, removing old events to make room for new ones. Example: "--window 5s"
Record all processes running on the system.
pid | name
Attach and record running process with the given name or pid.
-- command [arguments]
Launch and record process with the given name or path and provided arguments list. This option should be passed as the last one in the xctrace command invocation.
Install the given Instruments Package temporarily for the duration of a command
- | file
Redirects standard input stream of a launched process in case if target device is set to the local Mac. Can be pointing to a file or be specified as - , which causes standard input of xctrace to be passed into the standard input of a target process.
- | file
Redirects standard output stream of a launched process. Can be pointing to a file or be specified as - , which causes standard output of a target process to be to be redirected into the standard output of xctrace.
Sets environment variable for a launched process. Example: "--env PATH=/tmp"
Skip any prompts that would be otherwise presented (like privacy warnings)
Send Darwin notification with this name when a recording has started.

If the specified file is of a support input format, imports the file into an Instruments .trace file using the specified template. This file can later be viewed using Instruments.app or exported by using xctrace export command.
Import data from a supported file format at the given path.
Save the trace to the specified path. Existing trace files cannot be targeted. If the passed path is a directory, a uniquely named file will be created in it. If the path contains the extension .trace, a new trace will be created with that name at the specified path or working directory.
path | name
Imported using given trace template name or path. Only data that is needed by Instruments contained in the template will be imported. If name is specified, template needs to be either bundled with an installed Instruments Package or located in the Application Support directory for Instruments. To retrieve available templates, run xctrace list templates.
Adds Instrument with the specified name to the import configuration. To retrieve available Instruments, run xctrace list instruments.
Install the given Instruments Package temporarily for the duration of a command.

Perform a new recording on the specified device and target with the given template. Resulting .trace file can be viewed in Instruments.app or exported using xctrace. Recording can target all processes, attach to an existing process or launch a new one.
Export data from .trace file at the given path.
Save output of the export operation to the given path. If not specified, then textual output is being written to the xctrace standard output.
Export the table of contents of a trace file. This will contain overview of content and exportable entities from the given trace file.
Perform given XPath query on the table of contents to select entities to export from the given trace file. Selected entities will be present in the export command output.
Export data as the HTTP Archive file if the trace run contains the HTTP Traffic Instrument.

Remodel trace using currently installed packages and their modelers.
Remodel data from .trace file at the given path.
Save remodeled .trace file to the given path. .
Install the given Instruments Package temporarily for the duration of a command.

Symbolicate trace file using supplied debug symbols (dSYM).
Symbolicate addresses in .trace file at the given path.
Save symbolicated .trace file to the given path. If not specified, the symbolicated .trace will be saved to its original location (input path).
Use symbol data from dSYM at given path. Path can be a dSYM or a directory to search recursively for dSYMs. If not specified, the tool will make its best effort to locate dSYMs (it may take a while).

Lists all of non-host devices that can be used as a target for a new recording.
Lists all of templates that are known to xctrace. These include Instruments.app bundled templates, templates from installed Instruments Packages and custom templates installed into Application Support directory for Instruments.app.
Lists all of the Instruments available to select as part of the record or import workflow.

Global options:
Make terminal output less verbose

Instruments.app may be used to perform trace recordings in a graphical environment and may also be used to open trace documents created by xctrace.

Import a file to the trace file with a unique name using a MyCustomTemplate template:

% xctrace import --input system_logs.logarchive --template 'MyCustomTemplate'

Import a file into a new document created from the template with name MyCustomTemplate and adding the instrument from and save the resulting document as :

% xctrace import --input trace001.ktrace --template 'MyCustomTemplate' --package '/tmp/PackageToLoad.instrdst' --output output.trace

Export a table of contents (toc) of the input.trace file to standard output:

% xctrace export --input input.trace --toc

Export recorded data from a table with schema in the first run of the input.trace file to standard output:

% xctrace export --input input.trace --xpath '/trace-toc/run[@number="1"]/data/table[@schema="my-table-schema"]'

Export UUID, binary path, load address and architecture for each binary image contained in the first run of the input.trace and save as :

% xctrace export --input input.trace --output output.xml --xpath '/trace-toc/run[@number="1"]/processes'

Export UUID, binary path, load address and architecture for each binary image used by the process named in the first run of the input.trace file to standard output:

% xctrace export --input input.trace --xpath '/trace-toc/run[@number="1"]/processes/process[@name="my-process-name"]'

Start recording all processes on the local Mac device using the Time Profiler template and automatically stop the recording after :

% xctrace record --all-processes --template 'Time Profiler' --time-limit 5s

Start a new recording by attaching to the process with name on the connected device using the template Time Profiler:

% xctrace record --template 'Time Profiler' --device-name 'Chad's iPhone' --attach 'Trailblazer'

Start template recording on a simulator device named , capturing all existing processes:

% xctrace record --template 'Metal System Trace' --device-name 'iPhone SE Simulator' --all-processes

Start Time Profiler template recording on a local Mac device, launching and profiling binary at path with arguments, output of the binary gets redirected to the standard output:

% xctrace record --template 'Time Profiler' --target-stdout - --launch -- /tmp/tool arg1 arg2

Symbolicate the input.trace file using debug information from a file:

% xctrace symbolicate --input input.trace --dsym SomeLibrary.dSYM

Symbolicate the input.trace file by trying automatically locate debug information:

% xctrace symbolicate --input input.trace
January 3, 2023 macOS