xcresulttool(1) General Commands Manual xcresulttool(1)

xcresulttool - view Xcode result bundle data in a human-readable or machine-parseable format.

xcresulttool get build-results --path Example.xcresult [--compact]

xcresulttool get test-results summary --path Example.xcresult [--compact]

xcresulttool get test-results tests --path Example.xcresult [--compact]

xcresulttool get test-results insights --path Example.xcresult [--compact]

xcresulttool get test-results test-details --path Example.xcresult --test-id exampleTest() [--compact]

xcresulttool get test-results activities --path Example.xcresult --test-id exampleTest() [--compact]

xcresulttool get log --path Example.xcresult [--type build | action | console] [--compact]

xcresulttool get [object] --path Example.xcresult [--format json | raw] [--id ID]

xcresulttool export diagnostics --path Example.xcresult --output-path ./Out

xcresulttool export attachments --path Example.xcresult --output-path ./Out [--test-id exampleTest()]

xcresulttool export metrics --path Example.xcresult --output-path ./Out --test-id exampleTest()

xcresulttool export [object] --type [file | directory] --path Example.xcresult --output-path ./Out --id ID

xcresulttool formatDescription [get] [--format json | text | markdown | typeHierarchy] [--hash] [--include-event-stream-types]

xcresulttool formatDescription diff [--format text | markdown] version1.json version2.json

xcresulttool merge Input1.xcresult Input2.xcresult [...] --output-path Merged.xcresult

xcresulttool metadata get --path Example.xcresult

xcresulttool metadata addExternalLocation --path Example.xcresult --identifier identifier --link link [--description description]

xcresulttool version

xcresulttool graph --path Example.xcresult

xcresulttool is a tool for reading result bundles.

To produce a result bundle, run xcodebuild with the flag

-resultBundlePath PATH

where PATH is the desired path ending with .xcresult.

Print the build action details.
Print the test results summary.
Print the tests structure.
Print the test insights.
Print the detailed information about the specified test.
Print the activity trees for the specified test. If the test has more than one run, the activity trees for each run will be included.
Print build, action, or console log.
Print the contents of an object given its ID, result bundle path and output format (json for structured objects or raw for attachments).
Export the diagnostics directory from a result bundle.
Export attachments for a given test from a result bundle. If no test identifier is specified, all the attachments will be exported.
Export the metrics information for the specified test.
Export a file or directory represented by the given ID from a result bundle. Exports to the given path.
Print a description of the types making up the result bundle structure. The root object of each result bundle is ActionsInvocationRecord.
Compute a list of changes between the two provided format descriptions.
Merge result bundles.
Print the metadata of the result bundle.
Record an external location associated with the result bundle.
Print the version of the included XCResultKit package.
Print the object graph of the given result bundle.

Path to the result bundle.
Output path for the exported file or directory.
Provides the test identifier that references a test node.
Provides the command output in a compact format.
Controls output format.
Provides the desired object's ID (hash).
Used by export to identify whether to export the given data as a file or directory.
2019 Apple Inc.