xcodebuild.xctestrun(5) File Formats Manual xcodebuild.xctestrun(5)

xcodebuild.xctestrunTest run parameters files for xcodebuild

This document details the parameters contained in an xctestrun file. During the build-for-testing action, xcodebuild extracts parameters from the scheme provided to the build-for-testing action and writes the parameters to an xctestrun file in the built products directory. A developer can edit the parameters in the xctestrun file and then provide the file to the xcodebuild test-without-building action with the -xctestrun option.

This document describes version 2 of the xctestrun file format, which is supported by Xcode 11 and later and includes support for running a set of test targets multiple times using test configurations.

An xctestrun file is formatted as a property list organized using the following top-level structure:

See the sections below for information about each top-level item.

The top-level TestPlan dictionary contains metadata about the test plan which was used to construct this xctestrun file. It is provided for informational purposes and to allow distinguishing between xctestrun files if multiple were generated from a single scheme. The keys in this dictionary are not used when performing tests.

The name of the test plan this xctestrun file was generated from.

Whether the test plan this xctestrun file was generated from is the default in the scheme.

The top-level TestConfigurations array contains the list of test configurations to use when testing. Each entry is a dictionary containing metadata and a list of test targets to include.

The name of the configuration. This name should be unique among the dictionaries in the TestConfigurations array.

An array containing the list of test targets to include in the test configuration. Each test target is a dictionary containing information about how to test a particular test bundle, and can contain many different parameters, as described below.

The following parameters are mandatory during basic commands:

The name of the test target, without the file extension of its build product.
A path to the test bundle to be tested. The xcodebuild tool will expand the following placeholder strings in the path:

A path to the test host. For framework tests, this should be a path to the xctest command line tool. For application hosted tests, this should be a path the application host. For UI tests, this should be a path to the test runner application that the UI test target produces. The xcodebuild tool will expand the following placeholder strings in the path:

A path to the target application for UI tests. The parameter is mandatory for UI tests only. The xcodebuild tool will expand the following placeholder strings in the path:

These parameters are optional for all commands:

The environment variables from the scheme test action that xcodebuild will provide to the test host process.
The command line arguments from the scheme test action that xcodebuild will provide to the test host process.
The environment variables that xcodebuild will provide to the target application during UI tests.
The command line arguments that xcodebuild will provide to the target application during UI tests.
A path to a performance test baseline that xcodebuild will provide to the tests. The xcodebuild tool will expand the following placeholder strings in the path:
Whether or not a test failure should be reported for performance test cases which do not have a baseline.
An array of test identifiers that xcodebuild should exclude from the test run.
Identifiers for both Swift and Objective-C tests are:

To exclude all the tests in a class Example.m, the identifier is just "Example". To exclude one specific test in the class, the identifier is "Example/testExample".

An array of test identifiers that xcodebuild should include in the test run. All other tests will be excluded from the test run. The format for the identifiers is described above.
Whether or not the Main Thread Checker should be enabled for apps launched during UI tests.
Whether or not localizable strings data should be gathered for apps launched during UI tests.
List of paths to the build products of this target and all of its dependencies. Used to determine the bundle identifiers for apps during UI tests.
The module name of this test target, as specified by the target's PRODUCT_MODULE_NAME build setting in Xcode.
How long automatic UI testing screenshots should be kept. Should be one of the following string values:
Always keep attachments, even for tests that succeed.
Keep attachments for tests that fail, and discard them for tests that succeed.
Always discard attachments, regardless of whether the test succeeds or fails.
How long custom file attachments should be kept. Should be one of the string values specified in the SystemAttachmentLifetime section.
Whether or not the tests in this test target should be run in parallel using multiple test runner processes.
The order in which tests should be run. By default, tests are run in alphabetical order and this field may be omitted, but tests may be run in a randomized order by specifying this setting with the string value "random".
Language identifier code for the language which tests should be run using.
Region identifier code for the region which tests should be run using.

The following are for advanced commands that control how xcodebuild installs test artifacts onto test destinations:

An optional flag to indicate that xcodebuild should look on the destination for test artifacts. When this flag is set, xcodebuild will not install test artifacts to the destination during testing. TestBundlePath, TestHostPath, and UITargetAppPath should be excluded when this flag is set. Instead, xcodebuild requires the following parameters.
A bundle identifier for the test host on the destination. This parameter is mandatory when UseDestinationArtifacts is set.
A path to the test bundle on the destination. This parameter is mandatory when UseDestinationArtifacts is set. The xcodebuild tool will expand the following placeholder strings in the path:
A bundle identifier for the UI target application on the destination. This parameter is mandatory when UseDestinationArtifacts is set.

This last parameter is mandatory for all commands and is needed to configure the test host environment:

Additional testing environment variables that xcodebuild will provide to the TestHostPath process. The xcodebuild tool will expand the following placeholder strings in the dictionary values:

The top-level CodeCoverageBuildableInfos array contains the list of targets for which code coverage information should be gathered while testing. Each entry is a dictionary containing metadata about the target. See the description of each field in the dictionary below.

Name <string>
The name of the target's product, including any file extension. For example, "AppTests.xctest".
The buildable identifier of the target from the project, formatted as:

For example, "123456ABCDEF:primary".

Whether or not the target should be included in the code coverage report.
Whether or not the target is a static archive library.
List of file paths to the variants of this target's build product. The xcodebuild tool will expand the following placeholder strings in the path:

Although each target for code coverage only has a single binary build product, this list may contain multiple entries because there may be multiple test configurations in the xctestrun file (per the top-level TestConfigurations array) and those configurations may have resulted in multiple build variants. Thus, each entry in this list represents a unique variant of the target's build product.

List of architectures for the variants of this target's build product.

Each architecture entry in this list describes the binary build product at the corresponding index of the ProductPaths array. There may be multiple entries in this list if the specified test configurations resulted in multiple build variants, see ProductPaths for more details.

List of file paths of the source files in the target whose code coverage should be measured. Any prefix which is common to all entries in this list should be removed from each entry and specified in the SourceFilesCommonPathPrefix field, so that the entries consist of only the portion of the file path after the common path prefix.
A file path prefix which all the source file entries in SourceFiles have in common. This prefix is applied to each entry in SourceFiles to determine the full path of each source file when generating the code coverage report.
List of identifiers of Xcode toolchains to use when generating the code coverage report.

The top-level __xctestrun_metadata__ dictionary contains special metadata about the format of the xctestrun file. It currently contains only one field:

The version of the xctestrun file format. Currently equal to 2. This must be specified in order for xcodebuild to interpret the xctestrun file correctly for the version indicated.

If the __xctestrun_metadata__ section is not present, xcodebuild will interpret the xctestrun file using an earlier format (version 1).

This section describes the various placeholder strings which may be used within certain settings' values in an xctestrun file. See the description of each setting to see which of these placeholders, if any, it supports.

The path to the test bundle. This is expanded to a device path when UseDestinationArtifacts is set.
The test host directory provided by TestHostPath.
The directory containing the xctestrun file.
The platforms directory in the active Xcode.app.
The shared frameworks directory in the active Xcode.app.

This example will run tests from one test target called MyAppTests.xctest using one test configuration called Configuration 1 :

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
<plist version="1.0">
<string>Configuration 1</string>


July 1, 2019 macOS