tapi-tbdv5(1) TAPI TBD Version 5 Format Documentation tapi-tbdv5(1)

tbd - Text Based Dynamic Library Stub

TAPI both generates and operates over text based stub files (.tbd). These files are a textual, human readable representation of Mach-O dynamic libraries (dylib) holding properties needed to resolve static link time dependencies including the same exported symbols as the original dynamic library. Version 5 and onward are represented in JSON.

tapi_tbd_version: <int>

Specifies the TBD file version. The only supported version is 5.

main_library: <dict>

Specifies the linkage properties of the main dylib in the TBD.

target_info: <array>

Specifies the supported targets of the dylib per target slice.

target: <architecture-platform>

Specify the architecture and platform identifier supported by the dylib. Those identifiers are mapped to the platform number that is specified by the Mach-O format for the LC_BUILD_VERSION load command. It is also possible to encode the platform with the platform number directly (for example: x86_64-maccatalyst).
The following platform identifiers are supported: macos, maccatalyst, ios, ios-simulator, tvos, tvos-simulator, watchos, watchos-simulator.

min_deployment: <version>

Specify the minimum deployment version to match the target for the dylib. This key is part of the LC_BUILD_VERSION load command.

install_names: <array>

Specifies the install name of the dylib per target slice. This key is part of the LC_ID_DYLIB load command in the Mach-O format. If targets section is omitted, the install name is the same for all targets recorded in target_info.

flags: <array>

Specifies the flags of the dylib per target slice. If targets section is omitted, the flags are the same for all targets recorded in target_info.
Valid flags are: flat_namespace and not_app_extension_safe. flat_namespace is deprecated, but there are still some old binaries around on macOS that depend on flat namespace linking. The default is two level namespace linking. not_app_extension_safe indicates that the library is not safe to be used in an Application Extension.

current_versions: <array>

Specifies the current version of the dylib per target slice. This key is part of the LC_ID_DYLIB load command in the Mach-O format. If targets section is omitted, the current version is the same for all targets recorded in target_info. The default value is 1.0 if not specified.

compatibility_versions: <array>

Specifies the compatibility version of the dylib per target slice. This key is part of the LC_ID_DYLIB load command in the Mach-O format. If targets section is omitted, the compatibility version is the same for all targets recorded in target_info. The default value is 1.0 if not specified.

swift_abi: <array>

Specifies the Swift ABI version the dylib was compiled with per target slice. The Swift ABI version is encoded in the Objective-C image section, which doesn't exist in stubbed dynamic library files. If targets section is omitted, the compatibility version is the same for all targets recorded in target_info. The default value is 0 if not specified.

parent_umbrellas: <array>

Specifies the parent umbrella of the dylib per target slice. This key is equivalent to the LC_SUB_FRAMEWORK load command in the Mach-O format. If targets section is omitted, the parent umbrella is the same for all targets recorded in target_info.

reexported_libraries: <array>

Specifies the list of re-exported libraries of the dylib per target slice. This key is equivalent to the LC_REEXPORT_DYLIB load command in the Mach-O format. If targets section is omitted, the list of re-exported libraries are the same for all targets recorded in target_info.

rpaths: <array>

Specifies the list of runpath search paths of the dylib per target slice. This key is equivalent to the LC_RPATH load command in the Mach-O format. If targets section is omitted, the list of runpath search paths are the same for all targets recorded in target_info.

exported_symbols: <array>

Specifies the regular export symbol sections. If targets section is omitted, the exports are the same for all targets recorded in target_info.

reexported_symbols: <array>

Specifies the export symbol sections, but these symbols are not defined by the library itself. Instead, these symbols come from a different library. If targets section is omitted, the re-exports are the same for all targets recorded in target_info.

undefined_symbols: <array>

Specifies the undefined symbol sections and are only used for flat address space libraries. If targets section is omitted, the undefineds are the same for all targets recorded in target_info.

text: <dict>

Specifies the symbols defined in __TEXT segment of the library.

data: <dict>

Specifies the symbols defined in __DATA segment of the library.

global: <array>

Specifies the a list of exported, re-exported, or undefined symbol names.

weak: <array>

Specifies the names of weak defined symbols for exported symbol sections or weak referenced symbols for undefined symbol sections.

thread_local: <array>

Specifies the symbol name of thread local exports.

objc_class: <array>

Specifies the list of exported, re-exported, or undefined Objective-C class names.

objc_eh_type: <array>

Specifies the list of exported, re-exported or undefined Objective-C class exception type names.

objc_ivar: <array>

Specifies the list of exported, re-exported or undefined Objective-C instance variable names.

libraries: <dict>

Specifies the inlined tbd attributes for the main_library's reexported libraries.

"tapi_tbd_version": 5,
"main_library": {
"target_info": [
"target": "x86_64-macos",
"min_deployment": "10.14"
"target": "arm64-macos",
"min_deployment": "10.14"
"target": "arm64-maccatalyst",
"min_deployment": "12.1"
"targets": ["x86_64-macos"],
"attributes": ["flat_namespace"]
"version": "1.2"
"version": "1.1"
"rpaths": [
"targets": ["x86_64-macos"],
"paths": ["@executable_path/.../Frameworks"]
"parent_umbrellas": [
"umbrella": "System"
"allowable_clients": [
"clients": [
"reexported_libraries": [
"names": [
"exported_symbols": [
"targets": ["x86_64-macos", "arm64-macos"],
"data": {
"global": ["_global"],
"objc_class": ["ClassA"],
"weak": [],
"thread_local": []
"text": {
"global": ["_func"],
"weak": [],
"thread_local": []
"targets": ["x86_64-macos"],
"data": {
"global": ["_globalVar"],
"objc_class": ["ClassData"],
"objc_eh_type": ["ClassA", "ClassB"],
"objc_ivar": [
"ClassA.ivar1", "ClassA.ivar2", "ClassC.ivar1"
"text": {
"global": ["_funcFoo"]
"reexported_symbols": [
"targets": ["x86_64-macos","arm64-macos"],
"data": {
"global": ["_globalRe"],
"objc_class": ["ClassRexport"]
"text": {
"global": ["_funcA"]
"undefined_symbols": [
"targets": ["x86_64-macos"],
"data": {
"global": ["_globalBind"],
"weak": ["referenced_sym"]

tapi(1), tapi-tbdv4(1), ld(1), Mach-O(5)

2023-03-08 Darwin