systemextensionsctlexamine and manage system extensions

systemextensionsctl developer [on | off]

systemextensionsctl list

systemextensionsctl reset

The systemextensionsctl program examines and manages system extensions.

Users should not run systemextensionsctl under most circumstances; this utility is intended for software developers.

Its subcommands are:

[on | off]
Turn developer mode on and off.

When the computer examines a new system extension, it performs a version check to see if it is the same as a system extension that is already installed. When developer mode is on, this version check is skipped.

List the system extensions and their state. States include:
Available for use
Waiting for user approval via System Settings
Available but currently disabled by the user, can be enabled using System Settings
Will be removed at the next computer restart
Forcibly reset system extensions. This removes all system extensions and clears related state.

The systemextensionsctl utility exits 0 on success, and >0 if an error occurs.


systemextensionsctl was introduced in macOS Catalina 10.15.

October 30, 2023 Darwin