shazam custom-catalog updateUpdate an existing custom catalog with a signature and its associated media items

shazam custom-catalog update [--input input] [--signature-asset signature-asset] [--media-items media-items] [--output output]

Use this command to update an existing custom catalog file with a shazam signature and associated media items. A shazam signature can be generated from any of the following inputs:

  1. A .shazamsignature file
  2. An audio file
  3. A video file

Media items can be grouped in a .csv file and passed to this command to be associated with the shazam signature as metadata in the updated custom catalog.

Path to the existing custom catalog file to update.

Path to a .csv file containing metadata to be associated with a shazam signature.

Path to save the updated custom catalog file. If this is a directory a new custom catalog file is created in that directory with the same name as the file passed in signature-asset. If this argument isn't passed in, the existing catalog file is updated in place and the custom catalog file at input is overwritten with the updated file.

Path to an audio, video or shazam signature file.

  1. ShazamKit Documentation
September 14, 2022 Mac OS X 12