rpcsvchost(8) System Manager's Manual rpcsvchost(8)

rpcsvchosthosting environment for DCE/RPC services

rpcsvchost [options] service [service ...]

rpcsvchost is a very simple environment for hosting DCE/RPC services. It loads DCE/RPC services from the list of plugins given as arguments, binds to an appropriate set of endpoints and listens for protocol requests.

If service is not a relative file name, it is assumed to be the name of a dylib located in /usr/lib/rpcsvc.

rpcsvchost will log debug information and may perform extra diagnostic checks. This option is typically only useful for debugging.
This argument specifies additional endpoints that rpcsvchost should attempt to bind. BINDING must be a comma-separated list of DCE/RPC binding strings that include both the protocol sequence and endpoint fields.
Prints a usage message and exits.
Normally, rpcsvchost attempts to bind all the well-known endpoints specified by the service plugins. If there are no well-known endpoints, it will bind new endpoints on all supported protocol sequences. The -launchd option disables this behavior and causes rpcsvchost to check in with launchd(8) to obtain a set of sockets to bind as protocol endpoints.

Launchd sockets vended to rpcsvchost must be named with the appropriate DCE/RPC protocol sequence (eg. "ncacn_np").

When this option is specified, the modules loaded by rpcsvchost will be run in a sandbox. rpcsvchost will attempt to intialize the sandbox using the sandbox profile with the name com.apple.<module-name>.sb. See sandbox(7) for an overview of the sandbox facility.
When this option is specified, rpcsvchost attempts to register the loaded services with the DCE/RPC endpoint mapper.
Causes rpcsvchost to print log messages to standard output instead of the system log.
Causes rpcsvchost to wait for a debugger to attach after it has loaded and initialized its plugins. This is useful for debugging instances of rpcsvchost that are launched by launchd(8).

The rpcsvchost utility exits 0 on success, and >0 if an error occurs.

launchd.plist(5), launchd(8), sandbox(7)

The rpcsvchost utility first appeared in Mac OS 10.7.

Wed Nov 4 21:01:31 PST 2009 Darwin