page_util_quote(n) Parser generator tools page_util_quote(n)

page_util_quote - page character quoting utilities

package require page::util::quote ?0.1?

package require snit

::page::util::quote::unquote char

::page::util::quote::quote'tcl char

::page::util::quote::quote'tclstr char

::page::util::quote::quote'tclcom char

This package provides a few utility commands to convert characters into various forms.

::page::util::quote::unquote char
A character, as stored in an abstract syntax tree by a PEG processor (See the packages grammar::peg::interpreter, grammar::me, and their relations), i.e. in some quoted form, is converted into the equivalent Tcl character. The character is returned as the result of the command.
::page::util::quote::quote'tcl char
This command takes a Tcl character (internal representation) and converts it into a string which is accepted by the Tcl parser, will regenerate the character in question and is 7bit ASCII. The string is returned as the result of this command.
::page::util::quote::quote'tclstr char
This command takes a Tcl character (internal representation) and converts it into a string which is accepted by the Tcl parser and will generate a human readable representation of the character in question. The string is returned as the result of this command.

The string does not use any unprintable characters. It may use backslash-quoting. High UTF characters are quoted to avoid problems with the still prevalent ascii terminals. It is assumed that the string will be used in a double-quoted environment.

::page::util::quote::quote'tclcom char
This command takes a Tcl character (internal representation) and converts it into a string which is accepted by the Tcl parser when used within a Tcl comment. The string is returned as the result of this command.

This document, will undoubtedly contain bugs and other problems. Please report such in the category page of the Tcllib SF Trackers []. Please also report any ideas for enhancements you may have.

page, parser generator, quoting, text processing

Page Parser Generator

Copyright (c) 2007 Andreas Kupries <>
1.0 page