NEXTTOWARD(3) Library Functions Manual NEXTTOWARD(3)


#include <math.h>

nexttoward(double x, long double y);

long double
nexttowardl(long double x, long double y);

nexttowardf(float x, long double y);

The () functions return the next machine representable number from x in direction of y. It is identical to () except that the second parameter has type long double, and the function returns y converted to the type of the function if x and y are equal.

nexttoward(x, y) raises the "overflow" and "inexact" floating-point exceptions for x finite and the function value infinite.

(x, y) raises the "underflow" and "inexact" floating-point exceptions for the function value subnormal or zero and x not equal to y.

nextafter(3) math(3)

The nexttoward() functions conform to ISO/IEC 9899:2011.

July 2, 2008 Mac OS X 12