metal-source - Metal tool for dumping source information

metal-source [filename] [options]

metal-source allows to extract source information from binaries produced by the Metal toolchain.

metal-source supports the following options:

Display usage information and exit.

Display the version of this program.

Specify the architecture to dump.

Choose the format of the extracted information. raw extract all the source information as stored inside the binary. apple-gputools restructure them in order to be compatible with Apple GPU tools. metal-scripts only extracts the Metal scripts.

Overwrite output path.

Choose how to format extracted flatbuffers. binary dump them in binary format, json in JSON format.

Specify the directory where write the extracted source information.

Enable verbose output.

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Metal Shading Language Specification: <>

2014-2025, The Metal Team

July 30, 2024 32023