layerutil(1) General Commands Manual layerutil(1)

layerutil create compiled layered image stack

layerutil [-Vlhogspf] inputfile

Creates a compiled layered image stack (lcr) file from a layered input file source, such as an lsr or suitably structured Photoshop (psd) file. If the psd file's basename ends with @Yx Y will be treated as the scale factor of the psd file. If gpu compression is not specified then lossy compression is used.

The following options are available:

Convert to lcr format.
s, --flattened-image
Saves the flattened image as a jpeg to the output path given by the -o flag. if the output filename doesn't end with .jpeg or .jpg then the file extension that was given will be removed and jpeg will get added. If the file that gets written out is a JPEG image, the resulting image will be compressed with the default compression options.
s, --gpu-compression=s
Sets program to use gpu optimized compression. You can choose either best or smallest. GPU Compression is only supported on iOS 10.0/AppleTV 10.0 or greater.
n, --lossy-compression=n
Set the lossy compression factor used for image content to a value between 0 and 1.0, default is 0.75. The smaller the value, the smaller the compressed file size. A value of 1.0 creates a lossless image.
n, --scale=v
Used to specify the scale factor used in the generated lcr file. When used with a PSD file it indicates the scale factor of the PSD file. When used with an LSR file indicates which scale factor of images should be kept. If scale is not specified 1 is assumed.
n, --display-gamut=v
v can be one of srgb/p3. Selecting p3 processes the image and if it contains wide gamut data will be treated as such.
s, --palette-image
Turn on palette image compression (Defaults to off).
, --output
Output file name. If you are converting an input lsr/psd file then if no output file is given, the basename of the input file is used as the output file name with an appended .lcr extension. unless you are
, --help
Prints out usage information.
, --version
Prints out version information.
November 13, 2017 Darwin