IOREG(8) System Manager's Manual IOREG(8)

ioregshow I/O Kit registry

ioreg [-abfilrtxy] [-c class] [-d depth] [-k key] [-n name] [-p plane] [-w width]

ioreg displays the I/O Kit registry. It shows the hierarchical registry structure as an inverted tree. The provider-client relationships among those objects is shown as follows:

+-o provider
+-o client

By default, object properties are not shown. The use of the -c, -k, -l, or -n options cause ioreg to show properties for objects that match the specified criteria.

By supplying the -r option, the user may specify the object which will appear at the root of the tree with the -c, -k, or -n options. If root matches more than one object, multiple trees will be displayed.

The options are as follows:

Archive the output in XML.
Show the object name in bold.
Show the object properties only if the object is an instance of, or derives from, the specified C++ class (e.g. IOService).
Limit tree traversal to the specified depth. The depth limit is applied with respect to each subtree root individually. Therefore, supplying a depth of 1 will cause ioreg to display only (sub)tree root nodes; children will not be shown.
Enable smart formatting. ioreg knows how to format certain properties so that the output is more readable and meaningful, decoding data fields where appropriate. Currently supported are `reg', `assigned-addresses', `slot-names', `ranges', `interrupt-map', `interrupt-parent`, and `interrupts'.
Show the object inheritance.
Show the object properties only if the object has the specified key. Substrings do not match; the specified key must be a full property name.
Show properties for all displayed objects.
Show the object properties only if the object has the specified name. The object location, if any, is considered part of the name, thus pci@f0000000 and pci@f4000000 are distinct names.
Traverse the registry over the specified plane. The default plane value is ``IOService''. The other planes, such as ``IODeviceTree'', can be found under the ``IORegistryPlanes'' property of the root object (ioreg -d 1 -k IORegistryPlanes).
Show subtrees rooted by objects that match the specified criteria. If none of -c, -k, or -n are supplied, -r has no effect.
Show tree location of each subtree. This option causes ioreg to display all nodes between the I/O Kit Root and the root of the displayed subtree, i.e. the subtree's parent, grandparent, etc.
Clip the output to the specified line width. The default width value is the current screen size. A value of 0 specifies an unlimited line width.
Show data and numbers as hexadecimal.

Do not consider DriverKit classes with -c.
September 26, 2011 Darwin