IOCLASSCOUNT(8) System Manager's Manual IOCLASSCOUNT(8)


ioclasscount [--track] [--leaks] [--maps=PID] [--site=SITE] [--reset] [--start] [--stop] [--exclude] [--size=BYTES] [--capsize=BYTES] [--tag=tag] [--zsize=BYTES] [classname] [...]

ioclasscount displays the instance counts of OSObject-based C++ classes in the kernel, incremented by the number of subclasses that have an instance count of at least 1. For example, if IONetworkController is not directly instantiated, but its direct subclass IOEthernetController has any instances, then IONetworkController's instance count will be at least 1; if another direct subclass such as IOFWController has any instances, then IONetworkController's instance count will be at least 2; and so on. (This modification of instance counts prevents unloading of kexts defining superclasses that have no instances, but whose subclasses in other kexts have instances.)

If classes are specified, instance counts are printed as a comma-separated list in the order specified. If no classes are specified, instance counts for all classes are printed, one per line of output and sorted by name.

This information is useful for tracking leaks. Instance counts can also found in the root of the IORegistry in the “IOKitDiagnostics” property.

DEVELOPMENT or DEBUG kernels support collecting backtraces on IOMemoryDescriptor mapping and wiring of memory, and, when running with boot-arg io=0x00400000, on object allocation and calls to IOMalloc*. With boot-arg io=0x02400000, capturing backtraces is enabled at startup.

The following operands are available:

Start capturing allocations.
Stop capturing allocations.
Reset any collected allocations.
Display symbolicated allocation backtraces, with bytes allocated and number of calls accumulated per callsite, ordered by size.
Display symbolicated backtraces for mappings created in the process with process id pid with bytes mapped and address, ordered by size. If pid is -1 all processes are displayed.
When displaying backtraces, only those containing the string site are included. For example, site could be an address in the backtrace, a symbol name, or a module name.
Display symbolicated allocation backtraces for potential leaks, with bytes allocated and number of calls accumulated per callsite, ordered by size. Leaks are detected by scanning kernel virtual memory for pointer references to an allocation; allocations with no references found are a potential leak.
If names are given, apply the command to all tracking categories excluding these names.
Only report accumulated sizes >= n bytes. The default is 1 byte.
Only capture allocations >= n bytes. The default is 1 byte.
Only report allocations with the vm tag tag .
Only report allocations in the kalloc zone of size n bytes.

Display instance counts for IOPCIDevice and AppleTestPCI:

IOPCIDevice = 2, AppleTestPCI = 1

Start collecting backtraces for everything:


Display backtraces and allocation sizes for everything:


Display all backtraces and allocation sizes collected for OSData & OSSymbol:


Display all backtraces and allocation sizes collected except for OSSymbol, IOMalloc*, IOMemoryDescriptor mapping and wiring (names from IOKitDebug.h):


ioalloccount(8), ioreg(8)

November 6, 2008 Darwin