DEBINHEX(1) User Contributed Perl Documentation DEBINHEX(1) - use Convert::BinHex to decode BinHex files

Usage: [options] file ... file

Where the options are:

    -o dir    Output in given directory (default outputs in file's directory)
    -v        Verbose output (normally just one line per file is shown)

Each file is expected to be a BinHex file. By default, the output file is given the name that the BinHex file dictates, regardless of the name of the BinHex file.

Largely untested.

Paul J. Schinder (NASA/GSFC) mostly, though Eryq can't seem to keep his grubby paws off anything...

Sören M. Andersen (somian), made it actually work under Perl 5.8.7 on MSWin32.

2015-11-15 perl v5.34.0