CSQRT(3) Library Functions Manual CSQRT(3)

csqrtcomplex square root function

#include <complex.h>

double complex
csqrt(double complex z);

long double complex
csqrtl(long double complex z);

float complex
csqrtf(float complex z);

(z) computes the square root of the complex floating-point number z, with a branch cut on the negative real axis. The result is in the right half-plane, including the imaginary axis. For all complex z, csqrt(conj(z)) = conj(csqrt(z)).

The conjugate symmetry of csqrt() is used to abbreviate the specification of special values.

(±0 + 0i) returns +0 + 0i.

(x + inf i) returns inf + inf i for all x (including NaN).

(x + NaN i) returns NaN + NaN i.

(-inf + yi) returns 0 + inf i for any positively-signed finite y.

(inf + yi) returns inf + 0i for any positively-signed finite y.

(-inf + NaN i) returns NaN + inf i.

(inf + NaN i) returns inf + NaN i.

(NaN + yi) returns NaN + NaN i.

(NaN + NaN i) returns NaN + NaN i.

If z is in the upper half-plane, then csqrt(z) is in the upper-right quadrant of the complex plane. If z is in the lower half-plane, then csqrt(z) is in the lower-right quadrant of the complex plane.


The csqrt() function conforms to ISO/IEC 9899:2011.

December 11, 2006 BSD 4