AUVAL(1) General Commands Manual AUVAL(1)

auvalAudioUnit validation

auval [--32] [-s TYPE] [-a] [-v|vt TYPE SUBT MANU [-w] [-de] [-dw]] [-f file]

AUValidation tests a specified AudioUnit for API and behavioural conformance. returns: OK: 0, malformed execution: 1, unit not conformant: -1

must be specified first. run in 32 bit mode. If not specified, runs as 64 bit native architecture
print help text
lists all available AudioUnits of any type
lists all available AudioUnits of type 'TYPE'
opens the AudioUnit specified by the TYPE SUBT MANU component ID's and tests that unit.
iterates through all of the AU's of specified TYPE and MANU
execution is terminated when first error is encountered
execution is terminated when first warning is encountered
continue validating when an error occurs in batch mode.
quiet - does no printing except for errors or warnings
doesn't print parameter or Factory Presets information
only runs a basic open and initialize test. good for debugging basic functionality
repeat the whole process of validation N times. good for catching open/init bugs.
wait after finished - good for profiling memory usage see 'man leaks'
The version is printed to stdout.
The version is printed to stdout in hexadecimal.
Each line in the file should contain one complete command.
February 13, 2006 Darwin