SPLITFORKS(1) General Commands Manual SPLITFORKS(1)

/usr/bin/SplitForksDivide a two-fork HFS file into AppleDouble format resource and data files. (DEPRECATED)

/usr/bin/SplitForks [-s] [-v] file

Tools supporting Carbon development, including /usr/bin/SplitForks, were deprecated with Xcode 6.

SplitForks takes a Macintosh HFS or HFS Extended ("HFS+") two-fork file and converts it into AppleDouble format, with the data fork in one file and the resource fork and file system metadata in another.

/usr/bin/SplitForks takes the following flags and arguments:

Strip the resource fork from the original file. The default is to leave the resource file in place after copying it to its AppleDouble metadata file.
Produce verbose diagnostics to standard output.
The file to split.

foo Data fork of file 'foo'

SplitForks will fail with error 2 if the designated file is not on an HFS or Extended HFS file system volume.

FixupResourceForks(1), MvMac(1), CpMac(1)

Consult RFC 1740 for details on AppleSingle/AppleDouble formats.

April 12, 2004 Mac OS X