MPSRNNRecurrentImageState(3) MetalPerformanceShaders.framework MPSRNNRecurrentImageState(3)


#import <MPSRNNLayer.h>

Inherits MPSState.

(nullable MPSImage *) - getRecurrentOutputImageForLayerIndex:
(nullable MPSImage *) - getMemoryCellImageForLayerIndex:

This depends on Metal.framework This class holds all the data that is passed from one sequence iteration of the image-based RNN layer (stack) to the next.

- (nullable MPSImage*) getMemoryCellImageForLayerIndex: (NSUInteger) layerIndex

Access the stored memory cell image data (if present).


layerIndex Index of the layer whose to get - belongs to { 0, 1,...,

See also:

numberOfLayers - 1 }


For valid layerIndex the memory cell image data, otherwise nil.

- (nullable MPSImage*) getRecurrentOutputImageForLayerIndex: (NSUInteger) layerIndex

Access the stored recurrent image data.


layerIndex Index of the layer whose to get - belongs to { 0, 1,...,

See also:

numberOfLayers - 1 }


For valid layerIndex the recurrent output image data, otherwise nil.

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Mon Jul 9 2018 Version MetalPerformanceShaders-119.3