<MPSNNPadding>(3) MetalPerformanceShaders.framework <MPSNNPadding>(3)


#include <MPSNeuralNetworkTypes.h>

Inherited by MPSNNDefaultPadding.

A method to describe how MPSCNNKernels should pad images when data outside the image is needed Different (non-Apple) CNN frameworks have different policies for how to size the result of a CNN filter and what padding to add around the edges. Some filters such as pooling and convolution read from neighboring feature channel (pixel) values. Four predefined MPSPaddingMethods are available: MPSNNPaddingMethodValidOnly, MPSNNPaddingMethodFull, MPSNNPaddingMethodSameTL, MPSNNPaddingMethodSameBR. You may also implement your own padding definition with a block that conforms to this prototype.

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Mon Jul 9 2018 Version MetalPerformanceShaders-119.3