MPSInstanceAccelerationStructure(3) MetalPerformanceShaders.framework MPSInstanceAccelerationStructure(3)


#import <MPSInstanceAccelerationStructure.h>

Inherits MPSAccelerationStructure.

NSArray< MPSTriangleAccelerationStructure * > *_Nullable accelerationStructures
Acceleration structures available for use in this instance acceleration structure. Each instance must provide an index into this array in the instance buffer as well as a transformation matrix in the transform buffer. All acceleration structures must share a single vertex buffer, optional index buffer, and optional mask buffer, though they may have different offsets within each buffer, and all acceleration structures must share the same acceleration structure group. If a triangle acceleration structure is rebuilt or refit, the instance acceleration structure must subsequently be rebuilt or refit. id< MTLBuffer > _Nullable instanceBuffer
Buffer containing the 32 bit unsigned integer index into the acceleration structure array for each instance. NSUInteger instanceBufferOffset
Offset, in bytes, into the instance buffer. Defaults to 0 bytes. Must be aligned to 4 bytes. id< MTLBuffer > _Nullable transformBuffer
Buffer containing one column major matrix_float4x4 transformation matrix per instance. NSUInteger transformBufferOffset
Offset, in bytes, into the transform buffer. Defaults to 0 bytes. Must be aligned to the stride of the transform type. MPSTransformType transformType
Instance transform type. Defaults to MPSTransformTypeFloat4x4. Changes to this property require rebuilding the acceleration structure. id< MTLBuffer > _Nullable maskBuffer
Mask buffer containing one uint32_t mask per instance. May be nil. NSUInteger maskBufferOffset
Offset, in bytes, into the mask buffer. Defaults to 0 bytes. Must be aligned to 4 bytes. NSUInteger instanceCount
Number of instances. Changes to this property require rebuilding the acceleration structure.

- (NSArray<MPSTriangleAccelerationStructure *>* _Nullable) accelerationStructures [read], [write], [nonatomic], [retain]

Acceleration structures available for use in this instance acceleration structure. Each instance must provide an index into this array in the instance buffer as well as a transformation matrix in the transform buffer. All acceleration structures must share a single vertex buffer, optional index buffer, and optional mask buffer, though they may have different offsets within each buffer, and all acceleration structures must share the same acceleration structure group. If a triangle acceleration structure is rebuilt or refit, the instance acceleration structure must subsequently be rebuilt or refit.

- (id<MTLBuffer> _Nullable) instanceBuffer [read], [write], [nonatomic], [retain]

Buffer containing the 32 bit unsigned integer index into the acceleration structure array for each instance.

- (NSUInteger) instanceBufferOffset [read], [write], [nonatomic], [assign]

Offset, in bytes, into the instance buffer. Defaults to 0 bytes. Must be aligned to 4 bytes.

- (NSUInteger) instanceCount [read], [write], [nonatomic], [assign]

Number of instances. Changes to this property require rebuilding the acceleration structure.

- (id<MTLBuffer> _Nullable) maskBuffer [read], [write], [nonatomic], [retain]

Mask buffer containing one uint32_t mask per instance. May be nil.

- (NSUInteger) maskBufferOffset [read], [write], [nonatomic], [assign]

Offset, in bytes, into the mask buffer. Defaults to 0 bytes. Must be aligned to 4 bytes.

- (id<MTLBuffer> _Nullable) transformBuffer [read], [write], [nonatomic], [retain]

Buffer containing one column major matrix_float4x4 transformation matrix per instance.

- (NSUInteger) transformBufferOffset [read], [write], [nonatomic], [assign]

Offset, in bytes, into the transform buffer. Defaults to 0 bytes. Must be aligned to the stride of the transform type.

- (MPSTransformType) transformType [read], [write], [nonatomic], [assign]

Instance transform type. Defaults to MPSTransformTypeFloat4x4. Changes to this property require rebuilding the acceleration structure.

Generated automatically by Doxygen for MetalPerformanceShaders.framework from the source code.

Mon Jul 9 2018 Version MetalPerformanceShaders-119.3