MPSImageDescriptor(3) | MetalPerformanceShaders.framework | MPSImageDescriptor(3) |
#import <MPSImage.h>
Inherits NSObject, and <NSCopying>.
(nonnull instancetype) - copyWithZone:
(__nonnull instancetype) +
(__nonnull instancetype) +
NSUInteger width
NSUInteger height
NSUInteger featureChannels
NSUInteger numberOfImages
MTLPixelFormat pixelFormat
MPSImageFeatureChannelFormat channelFormat
MTLCPUCacheMode cpuCacheMode
MTLStorageMode storageMode
MTLTextureUsage usage
MPSImage.h MPSCore.framework
This depends on Metal.framework A MPSImageDescriptor object describes a attributes of MPSImage and is used to create one (see MPSImage discussion below)
Create a MPSImageDescriptor for a single read/write cnn image.
Create a MPSImageDescriptor for a read/write cnn image with option to set usage and batch size (numberOfImages).
The storage format to use for each channel in the image.
Options to specify CPU cache mode of texture resource. Default = MTLCPUCacheModeDefaultCache
The number of feature channels per pixel. Default = 1.
The height of the CNN image. The formal height of the CNN image in pixels. Default = 1.
The number of images for batch processing. Default = 1.
The MTLPixelFormat expected for the underlying texture.
To specify storage mode of texture resource. Storage mode options:
Default = MTLStorageModeShared on iOS
MTLStorageModeManaged on Mac OSX MTLStorageModeShared not supported on Mac OSX. See Metal headers for synchronization requirements when using StorageModeManaged
Description of texture usage. Default = MTLTextureUsageShaderRead/Write
The width of the CNN image. The formal width of the CNN image in pixels. Default = 1.
Generated automatically by Doxygen for MetalPerformanceShaders.framework from the source code.
Mon Jul 9 2018 | Version MetalPerformanceShaders-119.3 |