MPSImageArithmetic(3) MetalPerformanceShaders.framework MPSImageArithmetic(3)


#import <MPSImageMath.h>

Inherits MPSBinaryImageKernel.

Inherited by MPSImageAdd, MPSImageDivide, MPSImageMultiply, and MPSImageSubtract.

(nonnull instancetype) - initWithDevice:

float primaryScale
float secondaryScale
float bias
MTLSize primaryStrideInPixels
MTLSize secondaryStrideInPixels
float minimumValue
float maximumValue

MPSImageMath.h MetalPerformanceShaders.framework


Copyright (c) 2016 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. MetalPerformanceShaders math filters

This depends on Metal.framework. This filter takes two source images, a primary source image and a secondary source image, and outputs a single destination image. It applies an element-wise arithmetic operator to each pixel in a primary source image and a corresponding pixel in a secondary source image over a specified region.

The supported arithmetic operators are the following:

This filter takes additional parameters: primaryScale, secondaryScale, and bias. The default value for primaryScale and secondaryScale is 1.0f. The default value for bias is 0.0f. This filter applies primaryScale, secondaryScale, and bias to the primary source pixel (x) and secondary source pixel (y) in the following way:

To clamp the result of an arithmetic operation, where result = clamp(result, minimumValue, maximumValue), set the minimumValue and maximumValue appropriately. The default value of minimumValue is -FLT_MAX. The default value of maximumValue is FLT_MAX.

This filter also takes the following additional parameters:

This filter accepts uint and int data in addition to unorm and floating-point data.

You must use one of the sub-classes of MPSImageArithmetic.

- (nonnull instancetype) initWithDevice: (nonnull id< MTLDevice >) device

Standard init with default properties per filter type


device The device that the filter will be used on. May not be NULL.


a pointer to the newly initialized object. This will fail, returning nil if the device is not supported. Devices must be MTLFeatureSet_iOS_GPUFamily2_v1 or later.

Reimplemented from MPSBinaryImageKernel.

Reimplemented in MPSImageAdd, MPSImageSubtract, MPSImageMultiply, and MPSImageDivide.

- (float) bias [read], [write], [nonatomic], [assign]

- maximumValue [read], [write], [nonatomic], [assign]

maximumValue is used to clamp the result of an arithmetic operation: result = clamp(result, minimumValue, maximumValue). The default value of maximumValue is FLT_MAX.

- minimumValue [read], [write], [nonatomic], [assign]

minimumValue is to clamp the result of an arithmetic operation: result = clamp(result, minimumValue, maximumValue). The default value of minimumValue is -FLT_MAX.

- (float) primaryScale [read], [write], [nonatomic], [assign]

- primaryStrideInPixels [read], [write], [nonatomic], [assign]

The secondarySource stride in the x, y, and z dimensions. The only supported values are 0 or 1. The default value for each dimension is 1.

- (float) secondaryScale [read], [write], [nonatomic], [assign]

- secondaryStrideInPixels [read], [write], [nonatomic], [assign]

The secondarySource stride in the x, y, and z dimensions. The only supported values are 0 or 1. The default value for each dimension is 1.

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Mon Jul 9 2018 Version MetalPerformanceShaders-119.3