MPSCNNUpsamplingBilinearGradientNode(3) MetalPerformanceShaders.framework MPSCNNUpsamplingBilinearGradientNode(3)


#import <MPSNNGraphNodes.h>

Inherits MPSNNGradientFilterNode.

(nonnull instancetype) - initWithSourceGradient:sourceImage:gradientState:scaleFactorX:scaleFactorY:

(nonnull instancetype) + nodeWithSourceGradient:sourceImage:gradientState:scaleFactorX:scaleFactorY:

double scaleFactorX
double scaleFactorY

Node representing a MPSCNNUpsamplingBilinear kernel

- (nonnull instancetype) initWithSourceGradient: (MPSNNImageNode *__nonnull) sourceGradient(MPSNNImageNode *__nonnull) sourceImage(MPSNNGradientStateNode *__nonnull) gradientState(double) scaleFactorX(double) scaleFactorY

A node to represent the gradient calculation for nearest upsampling training. [forwardFilter gradientFilterWithSources:] is a more convient way to do this.


sourceGradient The input gradient from the 'downstream' gradient filter.
sourceImage The input image from the forward filter node
gradientState The gradient state from the forward filter
scaleFactorX The X scale factor from the forward pass
scaleFactorY The Y scale factor from the forward pass


A MPSCNNUpsamplingBilinearGradientNode

A node to represent the gradient calculation for nearest upsampling training. [forwardFilter gradientFilterWithSources:] is a more convient way to do this.


sourceGradient The input gradient from the 'downstream' gradient filter.
sourceImage The input image from the forward filter node
gradientState The gradient state from the forward filter
scaleFactorX The X scale factor from the forward pass
scaleFactorY The Y scale factor from the forward pass


A MPSCNNUpsamplingBilinearGradientNode

- (double) scaleFactorX [read], [nonatomic], [assign]

- (double) scaleFactorY [read], [nonatomic], [assign]

Generated automatically by Doxygen for MetalPerformanceShaders.framework from the source code.

Mon Jul 9 2018 Version MetalPerformanceShaders-119.3