MPSCNNMultiplyGradient(3) MetalPerformanceShaders.framework MPSCNNMultiplyGradient(3)


#import <MPSCNNMath.h>

Inherits MPSCNNArithmeticGradient.

(nonnull instancetype) - initWithDevice:isSecondarySourceFilter:

This depends on Metal.framework. Specifies the multiplication gradient operator. This arithmetic gradient filter requires the following inputs: gradient image from the previous layer (going backwards) and either the primary or the secondary source image from the forward pass. You will need a separate filter for the primary and secondary source images.

Without broadcasting, the arithmetic multiply gradient operation is an element-wise multiplication operation between the gradient image from the previous layer (going backwards) and:

Setting the broadcasting parameters results in a reduction operation (sum) across all of the applicable broadcasting dimensions (rows, columns, feature channels, or any combination thereof) to produce the destination image of the size that matches the primary/secondary input images used in the forward pass.

- (nonnull instancetype) initWithDevice: (nonnull id< MTLDevice >) device(BOOL) isSecondarySourceFilter

Initialize the multiplication gradient operator.


device The device the filter will run on.
isSecondarySourceFilter A boolean indicating whether the arithmetic gradient filter is operating on the primary or secondary source image from the forward pass.


A valid MPSCNNMultiplyGradient object or nil, if failure.

Reimplemented from MPSCNNArithmeticGradient.

Generated automatically by Doxygen for MetalPerformanceShaders.framework from the source code.

Mon Jul 9 2018 Version MetalPerformanceShaders-119.3