MPSCNNLossLabels(3) MetalPerformanceShaders.framework MPSCNNLossLabels(3)


#import <MPSCNNLoss.h>

Inherits MPSState.

(nonnull instancetype) - init
(nonnull instancetype) - initWithDevice:labelsDescriptor:
(nonnull instancetype) - initWithDevice:lossImageSize:labelsDescriptor:weightsDescriptor:
(nonnull MPSImage *) - lossImage
(nonnull MPSImage *) - labelsImage
(nonnull MPSImage *) - weightsImage

This depends on Metal.framework. The MPSCNNLossLabels is used to hold the per-element weights buffer used by both MPSCNNLoss forward filter and MPSCNNLossGradient backward filter. The MPSCNNLoss forward filter populates the MPSCNNLossLabels object and the MPSCNNLossGradient backward filter consumes the state object.

- (nonnull instancetype) init

Use one of the interfaces below instead.

Reimplemented from MPSState.

- (nonnull instancetype) initWithDevice: (nonnull id< MTLDevice >) device(MPSCNNLossDataDescriptor *_Nonnull) labelsDescriptor

Set labels (aka targets, ground truth) for the MPSCNNLossLabels object. The labels and weights data are copied into internal storage. The computed loss can either be a scalar value (in batch mode, a single value per image in a batch) or it can be one value per feature channel. Thus, the size of the loss image must either match the size of the input source image or be {1, 1, 1}, which results in a scalar value. In this convinience initializer, the assumed size of the loss image is {1, 1, 1}.


device Device the state resources will be created on.
labelsDescriptor Describes the labels data. This includes:
  • The per-element labels data. The data must be in floating point format.
  • Data layout of labels data. See MPSImage.h for more information.
  • Size of labels data: (width, height, feature channels}.
  • Optionally, row bytes of labels data.
  • Optionally, slice bytes of labels data.

- (nonnull instancetype) initWithDevice: (nonnull id< MTLDevice >) device(MTLSize) lossImageSize(MPSCNNLossDataDescriptor *_Nonnull) labelsDescriptor(MPSCNNLossDataDescriptor *_Nullable) weightsDescriptor

Set labels (aka targets, ground truth) and weights for the MPSCNNLossLabels object. Weights are optional. The labels and weights data are copied into internal storage.


device Device the state resources will be created on.
lossImageSize The size of the resulting loss image: { width, height, featureChannels }. The computed loss can either be a scalar value (in batch mode, a single value per image in a batch) or it can be one value per feature channel. Thus, the size of the loss image must either match the size of the input source image or be {1, 1, 1}, which results in a scalar value.
labelsDescriptor Describes the labels data. This includes:
  • The per-element labels data. The data must be in floating point format.
  • Data layout of labels data. See MPSImage.h for more information.
  • Size of labels data: (width, height, feature channels}.
  • Optionally, row bytes of labels data.
  • Optionally, slice bytes of labels data.

weightsDescriptor Describes the weights data. This includes:

  • The per-element weights data. The data must be in floating point format.
  • Data layout of weights data. See MPSImage.h for more information.
  • Size of weights data: (width, height, feature channels}.
  • Optionally, row bytes of weights data.
  • Optionally, slice bytes of weights data. This parameter is optional. If you are using a single weight, please use the weight property of the MPSCNNLossDescriptor object.

- (nonnull MPSImage*) labelsImage

Labels image accessor method.


An autoreleased MPSImage object, containing the labels data. The labels data is populated in the -initWithDevice call.

In order to gaurantee that the image is correctly synchronized for CPU side access, it is the application's responsibility to call the [gradientState synchronizeOnCommandBuffer:] method before accessing the data in the image.

- (nonnull MPSImage*) lossImage

Loss image accessor method.


An autoreleased MPSImage object, containing the loss data. The loss data is populated in the -encode call, thus the contents are undefined until you -encode the filter.

In order to gaurantee that the image is correctly synchronized for CPU side access, it is the application's responsibility to call the [gradientState synchronizeOnCommandBuffer:] method before accessing the data in the image.

- (nonnull MPSImage*) weightsImage

Weights image accessor method.


An autoreleased MPSImage object, containing the weights data. The weights data is populated in the -initWithDevice call.

In order to gaurantee that the image is correctly synchronized for CPU side access, it is the application's responsibility to call the [gradientState synchronizeOnCommandBuffer:] method before accessing the data in the image.

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Mon Jul 9 2018 Version MetalPerformanceShaders-119.3