MPSCNNDilatedPoolingMax(3) MetalPerformanceShaders.framework MPSCNNDilatedPoolingMax(3)


#import <MPSCNNPooling.h>

Inherits MPSCNNPooling.

(nonnull instancetype) - initWithDevice:kernelWidth:kernelHeight:dilationRateX:dilationRateY:strideInPixelsX:strideInPixelsY:
(nullable instancetype) - initWithCoder:device:

NSUInteger dilationRateX
NSUInteger dilationRateY

This depends on Metal.framework Specifies the dilated max pooling filter. For each pixel, returns the maximum value of pixels in the kernelWidth x kernelHeight filter region by step size dilationRateX x dilationRateY.

- (nullable instancetype) initWithCoder: (NSCoder *__nonnull) aDecoder(nonnull id< MTLDevice >) device

NSSecureCoding compatability See MPSKernel.h initWithCoder.


aDecoder The NSCoder subclass with your serialized MPSCNNDilatedPoolingMax
device The MTLDevice on which to make the MPSCNNDilatedPoolingMax


A new MPSCNNDilatedPoolingMax object, or nil if failure.

Reimplemented from MPSCNNPooling.

- (nonnull instancetype) initWithDevice: (nonnull id< MTLDevice >) device(NSUInteger) kernelWidth(NSUInteger) kernelHeight(NSUInteger) dilationRateX(NSUInteger) dilationRateY(NSUInteger) strideInPixelsX(NSUInteger) strideInPixelsY

Initialize a MPSCNNDilatedPoolingMax pooling filter


device The device the filter will run on
kernelWidth The width of the kernel. Can be an odd or even value.
kernelHeight The height of the kernel. Can be an odd or even value.
dilationRateX The dilation rate in the x dimension.
dilationRateY The dilation rate in the y dimension.
strideInPixelsX The output stride (downsampling factor) in the x dimension.
strideInPixelsY The output stride (downsampling factor) in the y dimension.


A valid MPSCNNDilatedPoolingMax object or nil, if failure.

- dilationRateX [read], [nonatomic], [assign]

dilationRateX for accessing the image passed in as source

- dilationRateY [read], [nonatomic], [assign]

dilationRateY for accessing the image passed in as source

Generated automatically by Doxygen for MetalPerformanceShaders.framework from the source code.

Mon Jul 9 2018 Version MetalPerformanceShaders-119.3