MPSCNNConvolutionGradientNode(3) MetalPerformanceShaders.framework MPSCNNConvolutionGradientNode(3)


#import <MPSNNGraphNodes.h>

Inherits MPSNNGradientFilterNode, and <MPSNNTrainableNode>.

(nonnull instancetype) - initWithSourceGradient:sourceImage:convolutionGradientState:weights:

(nonnull instancetype) + nodeWithSourceGradient:sourceImage:convolutionGradientState:weights:

- (nonnull instancetype) initWithSourceGradient: (MPSNNImageNode *__nonnull) sourceGradient(MPSNNImageNode *__nonnull) sourceImage(MPSCNNConvolutionGradientStateNode *__nonnull) gradientState(nullable id< MPSCNNConvolutionDataSource >) weights

A node to represent the gradient calculation for convolution training.


sourceGradient The input gradient from the 'downstream' gradient filter. Often that is a neuron gradient filter node.
sourceImage The input image from the forward convolution node
gradientState The gradient state from the forward convolution
weights The data source from the forward convolution. It may not contain an integrated neuron. Similary, any normalization should be broken out into a separate node. Pass nil to use the weights from the forward convolution pass.


A MPSCNNConvolutionGradientNode

A node to represent the gradient calculation for convolution training.


sourceGradient The input gradient from the 'downstream' gradient filter. Often that is a neuron gradient filter node.
sourceImage The input image from the forward convolution node
gradientState The gradient state from the forward convolution
weights The data source from the forward convolution. It may not contain an integrated neuron. Similary, any normalization should be broken out into a separate node. Pass nil to use the weights from the forward convolution pass.


A MPSCNNConvolutionGradientNode

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Mon Jul 9 2018 Version MetalPerformanceShaders-119.3