MPSCNNBatchNormalizationState(3) MetalPerformanceShaders.framework MPSCNNBatchNormalizationState(3)


#import <MPSCNNBatchNormalization.h>

Inherits MPSNNGradientState.

(nonnull instancetype) - initWithResource:
(void) - reset
(nullable id< MTLBuffer >) - gamma
(nullable id< MTLBuffer >) - beta
(nullable id< MTLBuffer >) - mean
(nullable id< MTLBuffer >) - variance
(nullable id< MTLBuffer >) - gradientForGamma
(nullable id< MTLBuffer >) - gradientForBeta

(nonnull instancetype) + temporaryStateWithCommandBuffer:bufferSize:
(__nonnull instancetype) + temporaryStateWithCommandBuffer:textureDescriptor:

MPSCNNBatchNormalization * batchNormalization

MPSCNNBatchNormalizationState encapsulates the data necessary to execute batch normalization.

MPSCNNBatchNormalizationState cannot initialize the size of its own underlying resources. Use [MPSCNNBatchNormalizationStatistics resultStateForSourceImages:] or [MPSCNNBatchNormalizationStatistics temporaryResultStateForCommandBuffer:sourceImages:].

- (nullable id<MTLBuffer>) beta

Return an MTLBuffer object with the state's current beta values..

- (nullable id<MTLBuffer>) gamma

Return an MTLBuffer object with the state's current gamma values.

- (nullable id<MTLBuffer>) gradientForBeta

Return an MTLBuffer object containing the values of the gradient of the loss function with respect to the bias terms. If a MPSCNNBatchNormalizationGradient kernel has not successfully generated these values nil will be returned.

- (nullable id<MTLBuffer>) gradientForGamma

Return an MTLBuffer object containing the values of the gradient of the loss function with respect to the scale factors. If a MPSCNNBatchNormalizationGradient kernel has not successfully generated these values nil will be returned.

- (nonnull instancetype) initWithResource: (__nullable id< MTLResource >) resource

Unavailable. Use MPSCNNBatchNormalizationStatistics methods to initialize the state object.

Reimplemented from MPSState.

- (nullable id<MTLBuffer>) mean

Return an MTLBuffer object with the most recently computed batch mean values.

- (void) reset

Reset any accumulated state data to its initial values.

Unavailable. Use MPSCNNBatchNormalizationStatistics methods to create the temporary state object.

Reimplemented from MPSState.

Create a MPSState holding a temporary MTLTexture


cmdBuf The command buffer against which the temporary resource is allocated
descriptor A descriptor for the new temporary texture

Reimplemented from MPSState.

- (nullable id<MTLBuffer>) variance

Return an MTLBuffer object with the most recently computed batch variance values.

- (MPSCNNBatchNormalization*) batchNormalization [read], [nonatomic], [retain]

Generated automatically by Doxygen for MetalPerformanceShaders.framework from the source code.

Mon Jul 9 2018 Version MetalPerformanceShaders-119.3